Sunday, 19 April 2015

What Went Wrong with Dinnr


What was it about..?

Dinnr was an ad-hoc, same day ingredient delivery service. Select a recipe on their website, and they deliver everything one needs to cook that recipe at home, all the items pre-measured with printed instructions. All you need at home is oil, salt and pepper and a reasonably equipped kitchen.

So What Went Wrong?

  •      They were not solving any problem.

Actual question is …Was there any Problem..?
The surveys that the team took encouraged them to take a shot regarding the startup. 70% of the people interviewed showed a positive response. But still nothing worked.

  •       If an idea is hit somewhere, it is not necessary that it will be a hit everywhere.

A small idea of this kind was doing well in Sweden, which encouraged the founder to launch the idea in the US Market. But exactly opposite happened.  It doesn’t have to work in country 2 only because it works in country 1.

Sometimes Surveys are not to be trusted fully.

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